
AV2000 Air Vent

The AV2000 air vent is used on industrial steam applications up to 650 PSIG for the removal of air and non-condensable gases from process equipment, vessels and piping. The air vent should be located at a high point in the system or vessel and can be installed in any orientation.

How It Works

The thermostatic air vent contains a welded stainless steel thermal element that expands when heated and contracts when cooled. When air and non-condensable gases are present, the valve is in the open discharge position. When steam reaches the air vent, the element expands and closes the valve off tightly.


  • Welded stainless steel thermal element
  • Hardened stainless steel seat and valve plugs for extended service life
  • Integral strainer to protect from contamination
  • Steam pressures up to 650 PSIG

Air Vents

Air Vents are installed at the end of steam mains as well as other high points in the system. The Air-Vent reacts to temperature changes and is OPEN when cooler air is present and CLOSED when hot steam enters the system.

Air Vents on Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers

On start-up, the heat exchanger and connected piping is filled with air which must first be discharged thru Air Vents to allow steam to enter for heating. Float & Thermostatic steam traps contain a separate thermostatic vent, and can discharge much of the air present during system startup, however some air will remain trapped in the heat exchanger to remove this trapped air. Additional air vents need to installed on the heat exchanger. The faster air is expelled, the faster steam can enter and heating can begin.

System without an Air Vent

The diagrams below show the heat exchanger without a proper air vent at the high point in the heat exchanger.

System with an Air Vent

The diagrams below show the heat exchanger with a proper air vent at the high point in the heat exchanger.

Air Vents on Steam Jacketed Kettle System

On start-up, jacket is filled with air which must first be discharged by the Air Vents to allow steam to enter for heating. Float & Thermostatic steam traps contain a separate thermostatic vent, and can discharge large volumes of air present during system startup. Additional air vents may be installed on the kettle. The faster air is expelled, the faster steam can enter and heating can begin.

System without an Air Vent

The diagrams below show the steam jacketed kettle without a proper air vent at the high point in the heat jacket.

System with an Air Vent

The diagrams below show the steam jacketed kettle with a proper air vent at the high point in the heat jacket.

Air Vents on Steam Mains

Air Vents are installed at the end of steam mains as well as other high points in the system. The Air-Vent reacts to temperature changes and is OPEN when cooler air is present and CLOSE when hot steam enters the system.

The AV2000 Series (Thermostatic air vents) are used on industrial steam applications up to 650 PSIG for the removal of air and non-condensable gases from process equipment, vessels and piping. The air vent should be located at a high point in the system or vessel and can be installed in any orientation.

ModelSizeTypeOrifice SizeMax PMO (psig)Capacities (SCFM)Weight (lbs)
Product Overview
The AV2000 air vent is used on industrial steam applications up to 650 PSIG for the removal of air and non-condensable gases from process equipment, vessels and piping. The air vent should be located at a high point in the system or vessel and can be installed in any orientation.
• Welded stainless steel thermal element
• Hardened stainless steel seat and valve plugs for extended service life
• Integral strainer to protect from contamination
• Steam pressures up to 650 PSIG
• Special Subcool Options Available
How It Works
The thermostatic air vent contains a welded stainless steel thermal element that expands when heated and contracts when cooled. When air and non-condensable gases are present, the valve is in the open discharge position. When steam reaches the air vent, the element expands and closes the valve off tightly.
Selection / Sizing / Capacities

Dimension and Weights

Installation and Maintenance
The air vent should be located at a high point in the system or vessel and can be installed in any orientation. An isolation valve should be installed to facilitate removal and replacement without system shut-down. Unit is seal-welded and non-repairable.
Sample Specification
Air vent shall have a thermal element with a seal-welded tamperproof stainless steel construction. All internals shall be stainless steel, featuring an integral strainer and hardened seat and disc.