Cycle Counter

Cycle Counter

The Digital Cycle Counter option allows monitoring of pump cycles for the purpose of scheduling maintenance and repairs, as well as calculation of condensate flow through the pump (i.e.returned condensate). There are several options available depending on the PMP selected as well as the operating conditions. Therefore, proper selection is required to ensure proper function and operation.

The Digital Cycle Counter option allows monitoring of pump cycles for the purpose of scheduling maintenance and repairs, as well as calculation of condensate flow through the pump (i.e. returned condensate). There are several options available depending on the PMP selected as well as the operating conditions. Pump-traps (closed loop) can not use the pressure switch because the vent pressure will vary, so pressure differential can not be guaranteed.
• Pump Only (Open Loop), with pump back pressure 15 psig or above – Standard
• Pump Only (Open Loop), with pump back pressure below 15 psig – Low Pressure Option
• Pump-Trap (Closed Loop) – Special option required – consult factory.

ModelFor ModelDescription
1529100Digital Cycle CounterFits all PMPs; Open Loop Systems Only
1529102Digital Cycle Counter with auxiliary contactsFits all PMPs; Open Loop Systems Only
1529103Low Pressure Cycle Counter with auxiliary contactsFits all PMPs; Open Loop Systems Only
1529104Low Pressure Cycle Counter w/o auxiliary contactsFits all PMPs; Open Loop Systems Only
2450300Digital Cycle CounterFits all PMPs; Closed Loop Systems Only
I&M (pdf)