The PMO (maximum operating pressure) rating of model selected must meet or exceed the maximum steam pressure or the trap may not open. For example; the FTTS-145 has a PMO of 145 psi. Condensate capacity (lbs/hr) of the trap is based on the differential pressure across the trap. For drip applications, a 1/2" FTTS size is generally sufficient to exceed warm-up loads with a 2X safety factor. The condensate loads (lbs/hr) for process applications are normally calculated at the maximum steam pressure; then an appropriate safety margin is applied in order to select the trap with sufficient capacity when operating at lower steam pressures. reference full explanation of Safety Load Factors in Steam Traps Introduction section.
When a temperature control valve is regulating flow to the process equipment, it is recommended to select a trap with a PMO that will exceed the inlet steam pressure to the control valve.
For Example:
Process application has a maximum steam inlet pressure of 100 psi, a maximum condensate load of 2,500 lbs/hr and is discharging to a condensate return line with a possible back pressure of 25 psig. ΔP = 100-25 = 75 PSI
To select trap:
If the Safety Load Factor is chosen to be 2X max capacity at max differential pressure, then Trap should be selected based on 2,000 lbs/hr (1,000 x 2 = 2,000) at 75 PSI differential pressure with a PMO in excess of 100 PSIG
FTTS-145-14-N, PMO=145 PSIG, 1” NPT with a condensate capacity of 2,920 lbs/hr at 75 PSI differential pressure.
Connection Code: N=NPT, SW= Socket Weld, PMO=Max Operating Pressure.